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讲师 硕士生导师












1.2018年北京市优秀人才培养资助(青年骨干项目)研究计划,催化臭氧化用Pd 掺杂LaFeO3 智能型催化剂反应机制与稳定性研究。


3.2019年山东省水环境污染控制与资源化重点实验室开放课题, 催化臭氧化用Pd掺杂LaFeO3智能型催化剂反应机制探究。


5.企业合作项目 电化学氧化处理焦化废水生化出水的试验研究。

6.企业合作项目 焦化废水水质检测、催化剂表征及中试处理工艺设计九州体育。

7.企业合作项目 焦化废水电臭氧工艺开发。

8.企业合作项目 高级氧化法处理焦化废水的实验室研究。

9.    企业合作项目 生物质气化废水处理预探索实验研究。




1.Ma Lei, Sun Chenglin, Ren Jian, Wei Huangzhao, Liu Peijuan, Efficient electrochemical incineration of phenol on activated carbon fiber as a new type of particulates, Russian Journal of Electrochemistry, 2014, 50(6): 569-578.

2.Ma Lei, Yu Bo, Yu Yonghui, Li Jingmei, Ren Jian, Wei Huangzhao, Sun Chenglin, Indirect electrochemical oxidation of pentachlorophenol in the presence of different halides: behavior and mechanism, Desalination and Water Treatment, 2014, 52(7-9): 1462-1471.

3.Ma Lei, Zhao Shifen, Shi Lei, Industrial metabolism of chlorine in a chemical industrial park: the Chinese case, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2016, 112(5): 4367-4376.

4.Yang Yi, Lan Qianzi, Liu Peijuan, Ma Lei*, Insurance as a market mechanism in managing regional environmental and safety risks, Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 2017, 124: 62-67.

5.Ma Lei, Chen Zhuo, Xu Chunhua, Li Fengmin, Jin Haibo, Shi Lei, Hu Hong-Ying, Water Meta-cycle model and indicators for industrial processes- the pulp & paper case in China, Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 2018, 139: 228-236.

6.Ma Lei, Jin Chengyu, An Luyang, Huang Long, Li Linjun, Jin Haibo, Liang Bo, Wei Huangzhao, Sun Chenglin, Preliminary investigation of the degradation mechanism of o, m and p-cresol using sludge-derived carbon nanosheets by catalytic oxidation based on quantum chemistry, Catalysis Communication, 2019, 120: 59-65.

7.Han Ruru, Zhou Beihai, An Luyang, Jin Haibo, Ma Lei*(通讯作者), Li Nan, Xu Ming, Li Linjun, Quantitative assessment of enterprise environmental risk mitigation in the context of Na-tech disasters, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2019(4):210-218.

8.Kong Lingtong, Ma Lei*(通讯作者), Jin Haibo, Hou Jing, He Guangxiang, Zhang Rongyue, Synthesis of a novel oilabsorption resin and optimization of its performance parameters using response surface design, Polymers for Advanced Technologies, 2019(6): 1441–1452.

9.Yu Li, Han Peiwei, Jin Haibo, Wei Huangzhao, Liu Weijun, Ma Lei*(通讯作者), Xu Chunhua, Catalytic ozonation of three isomeric cresols in the presence of NaCl with nano-mesoporous β-molecular sieves, Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 2019: 63-73.

10.Chengyu Jin, Lei Ma (共同), Wenjing Sun, Peiwei Han, Xiangdong Tan, Huiling Wu, Mengyang Liu, Haibo Jin, Zhong-Shuai Wu, Huangzhao Wei, and Chenglin Sun, Single-Atom Nickel Confined Nanotube Superstructure as Support for Catalytic Wet Air Oxidation of Acetic Acid, Communications Chemistry, Accepted.

11.Xiangdong Tan, Lei Ma(共同), Peiwei Han, Huangzhao Wei, Qiuping Wei, Chenglin SunFabrication of boron-doped diamond films electrode for efficient electrocatalytic oxidation degradation of cresols, Chemosphere, Accepted.

12.Ma Lei, Lv Hongxia, Yu Haonan, Kong Lingtong, Zhang Rongyue, Guo Xiaoyan, Jin Haibo, He Guangxiang, Liu Xiaoyan. In-depth Investigation on the Factors Affecting the Performance of High Oil Absorption Resin by Response Surface Method, Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, Accepted.

13.Ma Lei, Zuo Yuan, Xu Jilong, Tian Chunyu, Han Peiwei, Wei Huangzhao, Gao Jianjun, Zhou Fentao, Liu Weijun, Jin Haibo, The synthesis of high performance Zr-Ca bifunctional catalysts and their catalytic ozonation effect for the decontamination of m-cresol wastewater. Desalination and Water Treatment, Accepted.

14.Zhiwei LI, Xiaoping JIA, Haibo JIN, Lei MA(通讯作者), Chunhua XU, Huangzhao WEIDetermining optimal municipal solid waste management scenario based on best-worst methodJournal of Environmental Engineering and Landscape ManagementAccpetd.

15.Peiwei Han, Hongxia Lv, Xiaogang Li, Shengzhe Wang, Zhilian Wu, Xiangnan Li, Zhao Mu, Xinjun Li, Chenglin Sun, Huangzhao Wei, Lei Ma (通讯作者). A Perovskite CaZrO3 for Efficient Ozonation Treatment of Organic Pollutants in Wastewater, Catalysis Science and Technology, Accepted.